How do I make an appointment?

If you can, please call us to make your appointment, as it gives us a better chance to quickly find a time that suits you. We also take email and website queries, and we will contact you as soon as possible to arrange a time.

What appointment times are available?

Appointments are Monday to Friday commencing 8am.

Please be aware that due to high demand, we are often booking several months away for first visits.

Can I send in my forms?

We recommend that you do not send your forms as they may not reach us in time, just ensure you bring them on the day. However, emailing or faxing a copy of your referral to us in advance is a good idea – bring the original on the day.

What should I do to prepare for my first visit?

Please ask for a referral from your general practitioner and have it faxed or bring it to your initial consultation. As a specialist, Dr Rosamilia must have a valid referral for each consultation to provide advice and treatment and to allow Medicare reimbursement. You should also bring your Medicare and private health insurance cards.

The best thing you can do to prepare is to think about your symptoms and the course of your condition – bring along any relevant investigations (blood tests, ultrasounds) your GP or another specialist has performed. Dr Rosamilia will take a thorough history and will perform an examination.

We would ask you to complete the Australian Pelvic floor questionnaire and a 1 day Bladder diary if your problem is a pelvic floor condition.

What if I have my period?

This is not a problem unless you would like a cervical Pap smear performed.

What payment methods are accepted?

All payment methods are accepted except American Express or Diners

If I need urodynamics, what happens on the day?

Urodynamics (bladder function testing) is recommended for many of Dr Rosamilia’s patients with bladder symptoms. You will be given a specific date and time to come. Please ensure you allow time for parking and find a park that lasts for at least two hours; while the procedure itself takes around 45 minutes, we recommend you expect to be at the hospital for two hours including paperwork and preparation for the test and discussion afterwards. If you wish, bring a bottle of water, and try to have a comfortably full bladder after you arrive. No general anaesthetic is involved, so you will be safe to drive home.

Can I have a pessary fitted with Dr Rosamilia?

Absolutely – we have pessaries of most shapes and sizes at the rooms. We also teach self-insertion and management so that you can manage your symptoms more independently.

I am a GP hoping to refer my patient to Dr Rosamilia – are there any tests I can order to save time?

Ideally, the patient should have a recent mid-stream urine culture. Consider pelvic or renal ultrasound imaging in some cases eg recurrent UTI or where there is a concern regarding adequate bladder emptying. If the referral letter is received and reviewed ahead of the visit, we can often suggest pre-visit investigations